Mrs. Volpe's 7th Grade Social Studies
Please check Canvas for all information about this class.
If you need to reach me for anything (email is best as I check it regularly) here are a few ways to contact me:
E-mail - [email protected]
Voicemail - 267-599-2070 ext. 4083
Welcome to 7th Grade Social Studies!
I will try to make this as painless as possible.
Content: Survey of US History - America's Beginnings to 1850
- Basic geography
- American Indians
- The Age of Exploration
- Colonization
- Revolution
- Government
- Building of America
- 1 or 2 inch 3 ring binder and dividers for Social Studies only-
paper (can be loose leaf or from a spiral)
- pens & pencils,
- a folder with pockets if your 3 ring binder doesn't have any
- hole reinforcements.
Any other questions - call or email and I will get back to you asap.
January 11-15
Essential Questions - Why did colonies begin to develop in the "New World"?
How did the environment affect the development of the colonies?
Completed map of the US is due no later than Friday of this week!
Monday - Continue working on colony project. Study states and capitals of the Northeast
region of the United States. Quiz will be Wednesday or Thursday. Use our
states and capitals page (look to the right of this page) to help you study.
Tuesday - Same a Monday :)
Wednesday - Last day for project. Final products will be collected at the end of the period.
Study for quiz - it's tomorrow.
Thursday - Quiz on Northeast region (location and name of state and its capital).
Map of Southeast - begin studying- quiz will be next Tuesday. Introduce
the beginning of colonization of North America: complete map. Brainstorm
reasons for colonization, introduce The Lost Colony.
Friday - Finish The Lost Colony.
Have a Great Weekend :)
January 4 - 8
Essential Questions - Why did colonies begin to develop in the "New World"?
How did the environment affect the development of the colonies?
Monday - Workshop Day - No school for you :)
Tuesday - Getting back into the swing of things: We will be starting TWO new topics; states
and capitals as well as Colonization. Today you will update notebooks, get new
seats, conference with me on your grades/progress or lack there of, and fill in a
map of the US.
You will be responsible for memorizing the states, their capitals, and where they are
located. You will be quizzed on each region AFTER we review each one. There is a
page on this website dedicated to the states and capitals - please use it if
necessary and remember to STUDY!!!!!
HW - Finish map of US (labeling states only - not capitals) and color code
each region. Remember to include a key so you know which region
is which color.
Wednesday - Introduce second unit - Colonization. Objectives sheet with new vocabulary will
be distributed (page 30 in notebook) then we will discuss your Build A Colony
Group Project - Discuss/explain project and expectations, due dates, etc.
Begin first phase of project.
Thursday - First region for states and capitals: The Northeast - fill in map then work on
Colony Project. HW - Study states, capitals, and location in Northeast
Region. Quiz next Tuesday.
Friday - Work on colony project - HW - Study Northeast region - quiz Tuesday.
Have a great weekend :)
December 14-18
Essential Question - What motivated exploration and what impact did it have on Native
Monday - Explorer Scavenger Hunt - Complete research.
Tuesday - Create 'trading card' for explorer.
Wednesday - Complete timeline for the Age of Exploration
Thursday - Pinwheels
Friday - Finish pinwheels. Merry Christmas! Have a safe and fun filled holiday break!
See you January 5th.
Week of November 16-20
Unit 2 - Native Americans - Wrap it up and being Unit 3 European Explorers
Essential Question - What motivated exploration and what impact did it have on Native
Monday - Native American Myths for anyone who would like to share theirs - extra credit for
the brave :) NearPod interactive presentation.
Tuesday - Finish NearPod presentation - wrap up Native American Unit. There will be a
notebook quiz tomorrow so make sure you bring your notebook to class and it
it up-to-date!
Wednesday - Introduce European Explorers - I Can Sheet, vocabulary- Work on vocab
assignment which is do NO LATER than Monday, November 23rd.
Thursday - QR Code Investigation :) Motivation, Accomplishments, Impact on Native
Americans. HW - Work on vocabulary assignment - Due NO LATER
than Monday, November 23rd.
Friday - Same as yesterday, make chart displaying answers to QR Code investigation.
Each group will present charts - group with most correct wins a prize :)
Have a great weekend!