Historical Fiction Book Project
On this page you will find links to all of the papers you will need to help you complete your book project.

Historical Fiction Book Project Directions

Vocabulary Log

Draw a Scene

Which Character is Like You?

Music Soundtrack this one has text  boxes which you can type in
Music Soundtrack this one has lines you can write on if you print it out

Interview with a character this one has lines you can write on if you print it out
Interview with a character this one has text boxes which you can type in


Create an Acrostic

Create a Comic Strip

Write a Letter to the Author

Create your own assessment- You may come up with your own type of assessment to take the place of one of the two required assessments. If you chose to do this IT MUST BE APPROVED BY ME or it will not count. If interested in this, I would suggest googling Alternatives to Book Projects. It will help you get lots of ideas.

You will be given a folder in which  to attach all of your papers in the following order.
-Front cover: Cover Page
-Inside Front Cover: Assessment #1 
-Inside Back Cover: Assessment  #2
-Back Cover: Vocabulary Log

**If you come up with an alternate assessment which is digital, we will figure it out together how it will be submitted.

**Any work you type up, YOU are responsible for getting printed out on your own time. You can email me stuff to print out up to 2 days before the deadline. DO NOT come to me the morning it is due and ask to print work out for you.

DUE DATE: November 17, 2015
You will drop one letter grade each day it is late and it will not be accepted past Friday November 20th. NO  EXCEPTIONS.